Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reaction Time

Today, students used a strip of paper to calculate their reaction time.  One student would drop the paper without warning and the other person had to catch the paper with their fingers.  When students grabbed the sheet, there were numbers showing how quickly they reacted.  The goal of the lesson was to teach students about decimal values in the tenths and hundredth place while also practicing landmark data.  Once students had a lot of reaction time data for each hand, they calculated mean, mode, range, maximum, and minimum.  The kids noticed that each hand had different speeds and they had a chance to compare their data to the other students.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Curriculum Night

Thank you to everyone that could make it to curriculum night.  As you can see the students were very busy with creating replicas of themselves.  The students worked so hard creating these true autobiographies. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Learning the Expectations

We are wrapping up our first week at school, and I'm so excited for my class.  They have been doing a wonderful job learning the routines and expectations. Building stamina in our reading and writing lives is one of the first things we work on.  We compared how a marathon runner trains by increasing the amount they run over an extended period of time and how that relates to them as building stamina during readers' and writers' workshop.  Take a look at the photos below of my students building their reading stamina.  I was so impressed with each and every one of them.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome to 5th grade!!!

Welcome to 5th Grade! So glad you're checking out the blog.  I will be posting pictures of the classroom, student work, upcoming events, and much more.  Please bookmark the site or sign up to follow as I change the blog often.  I hope that your child had a wonderful first day of school.