
Writers' Workshop

     In writers' workshop, I strive to create conditions where my students can thrive as writers. One of the first objectives during the workshop is to foster a love for writing time.  When students have a choice it leads to voice.  Together we work on finding the kind of writing that really matters to them.  Student choice is the crucial fuel that drives our  workshop.

     The writers' notebook is a place that students write ideas.  No longer do students ask what to write about...their notebook is a place where they have written their ideas.   In the beginning of the year, there are many lessons focusing on developing pages upon pages of ideas to write.

Students write many kinds of genre through the school year such as memoir, mystery, and persuasive. When students are focusing on a specific genre, they have the choice of what topic to write on within the unit of study. During these genre studies, students are drafting, revising, editing, peer revising and editing, conferencing with the teacher, and creating a final published copy. At the end of the year, students have a filled published work folder comprising of work demonstrating their evolution as a writer. 12 Writing Essentials focused on when we write:
1. Write for a specific reader and a meaningful purpose
2. Determine an appropriate topic
3. Present ideas clearly, with a logical, well-organized flow
4. Elaborate on ideas
5. Embrace language
6. Create engaging leads
7. Compose satisfying endings
8. Craft authentic voice
9. Reread, rethink, and revise
10. Apply correct conventions
11. Read widely and deeply
12. Take responsibility for producing effective writing

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