Today, we were able to return to our normal schedule. (yeah!) During readers' workshop, students worked on a Book Club project. Most groups are writing a movie trailer for their finished book club book. They also have one individual project to complete from the following: book review, book summary, word collage, character scrap book, or an Alphabet book project. For writers' workshop, students learned how to take their notes and write an engaging body paragraph. Students used their knowledge about nonfiction text structures: description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, chronological order; to create more engaging and focused writing. Many students learned that they needed to research their topic more as their notes were lacking important information. For math, students are learning more about geometry. Specifically how to classify shapes such as triangles and quadrilaterals. Our focus today was quadrilaterals. We practiced using a math game called Property Pandemonium. Homework: -Study Link 7.7 -30 minutes of reading Reminder: - Baby pictures - Graduation money - Field Day t-shirt form - Planners will be checked tomorrow for signatures
Students did not have to do any new M-step testing today. They have worked incredibly hard on this test this week. On Monday, the final test (Math) will begin. Hopefully by Tuesday, we will be back to our normal schedule. Thank you for sending your child to school ready to do their best. It is very much appreciated. We are not sending any homework home while we are in the middle of State testing. Thanks again and enjoy the weekend. Mr. Reed
Good Afternoon! Today things went back to normal in room 15. Some students were in the computer lab completing unfinished MSTEP testing up to this point. The rest of the class worked on their non-fiction research project and a new text structure: Cause and Effect.
In the science, students learned how to describe different seeds using size, color, and texture just like a scientist. Eventually, students will build a terrarium. Homework: 30 min of reading Reminder: Please consider donating to our Spring Fair basket! The theme is Movies!
I hope everyone was able to go outside this weekend! This morning our class started the ELA MSTEP and continued to work on it throughout the day. I am very proud of each and every student for being focused and trying their best. Tomorrow will be another important MSTEP test. The spring fair basket is in room 15 waiting to be filled! We picked "Movies" for the theme. Please consider donating to fill our basket with movie themed items!
Thank you parents for making 5th grade camp so successful. We would not have such a wonderful camp without all of you that volunteered. Thank you very much! The students were right back into the swing of things today. We began this morning with taking the M-Step Social Studies test. This test is one of two different parts (part 2 will be tomorrow). All students were able to finish the test during the morning. During writers' workshop, students re-examined their informational topics. We focused on audience, purpose, and developing a plan that matches the student's purpose. Ask your child about their topic and different subtopics. In the afternoon, we were able to switch classes. During science, we were able to debrief about camp and relate their camp experience to our final unit called Environments. Homework: - 30 minutes of reading Reminders: - Please consider donating something to our Spring Fair basket. Our theme is 'Movie Night.' Thank you!