Today students listened to a guest speaker, Caleb White. He is a 14 year old student who has done amazing things. Ask your child about him and if they were inspired by what he said to us.
I sent out an email earlier today about bringing in a baby picture for our front bulletin board. The baby picture board is a yearly favorite and I would like everyone to participate. Please send in a copy with your child's name and classroom number (15).
Our spring fair basket also needs some more items. The theme is anti-boredom items: different rub-ix cubes, puzzles, outdoor games, etc.
Thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful weekend. Mr. Reed
I hope everyone had an excellent Spring Break. The kids were super tired today, but they had a great time sharing their Spring Break stories.
We talked a lot today about the M-Step test (state assessment) which will begin tomorrow for all 5th graders at WLE. The test will be entirely taken on the computer. The students will begin with the Reading and Writing test (ELA) tomorrow and hopefully finish by Thursday. Tomorrow, the 1st ELA test will be a series of questions based on different reading passages.
Then on Wednesday, students will begin the 2nd ELA test called the performance task. This task is designed for students to view a series of sources (audio, video, articles, pictures, etc.) surrounding a certain topic. Students will have to write an opinion, narrative, or informational essay based on the information they read in the sources. Students are extremely challenged to integrate so many learned lessons in order to create this piece of writing.
Please make sure your child is ready for tomorrow's test by being well-rested and having a good breakfast. Thank you!
Take a look at the pictures below. Students are using their design and engineering skills to design a tower using 1 piece of thick card stock and tape. Science time just seemed to fly by today.
Reminders: - Please donate anti-boredom items for our Spring fair basket. (see note)