Thursday, September 10, 2015

Just right books - day 3

We had a great 3rd day.  In the morning, we learned about picking Just Rights and practiced getting new books in our classroom library.  We practiced independent reading.  Together we created a mission statement by answering questions such as Who are we? What do we want to accomplish? How are we going to make this happen? Why do we want to accomplish this?

Then we worked on our autobiographies...they are secret.  In the afternoon, we switched again and it was much easier to switch. We are getting used to all of our new responsibilities in 5th grade.

Just a reminder the Back to School Picnic is tomorrow from 5 - 7 PM. Please turn in all permission slips for Cranbrook; our trip is on September 16th.

By the way, Chris and Anush won ga-ga ball.

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