Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday, 3/4/16

Today students were back to work on the Opinion writing performance task. This task simulates what students will be doing on the M-Step (state test) in April.  Your child is writing their opinion to a school newsletter stating whether or not ONLY service dogs should be allowed in public.  They are writing a multi-paragraph response that includes reasons and evidence that back up their claim. 

In readers' workshop, students learned the difference between nonfiction text features and nonfiction text structures.  Students identified different nonfiction text features and created a definition. Ask your child to name five nonfiction text features and reasons why authors include text features in their nonfiction writing.

All book clubs met with me today, and discussed their books.  We continue to work on conversational moves and higher order thinking skills.

In math, we began unit 6. Students also have their Unit 5 BA. Please take a look, sign it, and send it back with your child on Monday.

-March's reading month (read everyday for 30 minutes) *required
-Home Link 6.1
-Math Unit 5 BA view and sign

-Camp date is still being worked on :(

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